
Tacit (Adj.) Pronunciation: /ˈtæsɪt/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Taciturn (Adj.) Pronunciation: /ˈtæsɪˌtɜrn/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Taking (Adj.) Pronunciation: /ˈteɪkɪŋ/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Taker (N) Pronunciation: /ˈteɪkər/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: लेने वाला (Lene Wala), ग्रहणकर्ता

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Talisman (N) Pronunciation: /ˈtælɪzmən/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अमुलेत (Amulet), अशीष (Ashish), प्रतिक

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Tamper (V) Pronunciation: /ˈtæmpər/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: हस्तक्षेप करना (Hastakṣep karnā), छेड़छाड़

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Tandem (N) Pronunciation: /ˈtændəm/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: साथ में (Sāth mẽ), दो-एक-पर-दो

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Tangible (Adj.) Pronunciation: /ˈtæn.dʒə.bəl/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: स्पर्शनीय (Sparśanīya), वास्तविक (Vāstavik), अच्छूत

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Tantalize (V) Pronunciation: /ˈtæntəˌlaɪz/ Word Meaning: To torment or tease (someone) with the sight or promise of something that is

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Tantamount (Adj.) Pronunciation: /ˈtæntəˌmaʊnt/ Word Meaning: Equivalent in value, significance, effect, or meaning; virtually the same as something else. Uses

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Tantrum (N) Pronunciation: /ˈtæntrəm/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: क्रोध का उत्तेजन (Krodha kā

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Tariff (N) Pronunciation: /ˈtærɪf/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: मुआयना (Muāyanā), शुल्क (Śulka), टैरिफ़

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Tarnish (V) Pronunciation: /ˈtɑːrnɪʃ/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: कलंकित करना (Kalaṅkit Karnā), मिट्टी

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Tawdry (Adj.) Pronunciation: /ˈtɔːdri/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अश्लील (Ashleel), घटिया (Ghatiya), कुत्सित

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Tedium (N) Pronunciation: /ˈtiːdiəm/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: उबाऊपन (Ubhāūpan), निराशा (Nirāśā), उक्ति

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Temerity (N) Pronunciation: /tɪˈmɛrɪti/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: ढीठता (Dheetata), बेहिसाब हिम्मत (Behisaab

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Tell (upon)

Tell (upon) (V) Pronunciation: /tɛl (əˈpɒn)/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: प्रभाव डालना (Prabhav

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Telling (Adj.) Pronunciation: /ˈtɛlɪŋ/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: प्रभावशाली (Prabhavashali), सुस्पष्ट (Susphast), साक्षात्कारी

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Temperate (Adj.) Pronunciation: /ˈtɛmp(ə)rət/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: सावधान (Savdhan), मध्यम (Madhyam), शितोष्ण

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Temperance (N) Pronunciation: /ˈtɛmp(ə)rəns/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: मधुरता (Madhurta), संयम (Sanyam), सांत्वना

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Tempestuous (Adj.) Pronunciation: /tɛmˈpɛstʃuəs/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: तूफ़ानी (Toofani), उग्र (Ugra), अशांत

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Temporal (Adj.) Pronunciation: /ˈtɛmpərəl/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: कालिक (Kalik), सांसारिक (Sansarik), वैदिक

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Temporize (V) Pronunciation: /ˈtɛmpəˌraɪz/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: समय खर्च करना (Samay Kharch

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Tenable (Adj.) Pronunciation: /ˈtɛnəbəl/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: समर्थन योग्य (Samarthan Yogya), रोकने

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Tenacious (Adj.) Pronunciation: /təˈneɪʃəs/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: दृढ़ (Dridh), पक्का (Pakka), सटीक

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Tendentious (Adj.) Pronunciation: /tɛnˈdɛnʃəs/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: पक्षपातपूर्ण (Pakshapurn), पक्षप्रिय (Pakshapriya), द्विष्ट

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Tenet (N) Pronunciation: /ˈtɛnɪt/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: सिद्धांत (Siddhant), मूलबोध (Moolbodh), मूलतत्त्व

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Tenor (N) Pronunciation: /ˈtɛnər/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: ध्वनि (Dhvani), तरज (Taraj), लहर

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Tentacles (N) Pronunciation: /ˈtɛntək(ə)lz/ Word Meaning: Tentacles are long, slender, flexible appendages that are typically found on certain animals, such

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Tentative (Adj.) Pronunciation: /ˈtɛntətɪv/ Word Meaning: Tentative describes something that is uncertain, hesitant, or provisional; done without confidence or commitment.

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Tenterhooks (N) Pronunciation: /ˈtɛntərhʊks/ Word Meaning: Tenterhooks refer to a state of suspense, anxiety, or nervous anticipation, often awaiting an

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Tenuous (Adj.) Pronunciation: /ˈtɛnjʊəs/ Word Meaning: Tenuous refers to something that is very weak, thin, or insubstantial; lacking solidity or

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Tepid (Adj.) Pronunciation: /ˈtɛpɪd/ Word Meaning: Tepid refers to something that is only slightly warm; lacking in enthusiasm, passion, or

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Throes (N) Pronunciation: /θroʊz/ Word Meaning:Throes refer to intense or violent pains, struggles, or spasms, often associated with a difficult

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Throng (N) Pronunciation: /θrɔŋ/ Word Meaning:A throng refers to a large, densely packed crowd of people or animals. Uses in

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Thwart (N) Pronunciation: /θwɔːt/ Word Meaning:As a noun, “thwart” refers to a crosspiece placed across a boat to keep a

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Tiff (N) Pronunciation: /tɪf/ Word Meaning:A tiff refers to a petty quarrel or disagreement, usually brief and often trivial. Uses

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Tilt (V) Pronunciation: /tɪlt/ Word Meaning:To tilt means to move or cause to move into a sloping position, typically in

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Timbre (N) Pronunciation: /ˈtæmbər/ Word Meaning:Timbre refers to the characteristic quality or tone of a sound, particularly the unique combination

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Timorous (Adj.) Pronunciation: /ˈtɪmərəs/ Word Meaning:Timorous describes someone who is timid, shy, or easily frightened, showing a lack of confidence

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Tinge (V) Pronunciation: /tɪndʒ/ Word Meaning:To tinge means to color slightly, to impart a slight trace or hue of a

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Tirade (N) Pronunciation: /taɪˈreɪd/ Word Meaning:A tirade refers to a long, angry speech or criticism, typically containing harsh language and

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Titanic (Adj.) Pronunciation: /taɪˈtænɪk/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi:बड़ा (Bada), महाकाय (Mahakay), अविशाल (Avisal)

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Titillate (V) Pronunciation: /ˈtɪtɪleɪt/ Word Meaning:To titillate means to stimulate or excite someone’s interest or curiosity, especially in a playful

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Titular (Adj.) Pronunciation: /ˈtɪtjʊlər/ Word Meaning:Titular refers to holding or existing in title only, without any real power or authority;

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Toady (V. N.) Pronunciation: /ˈtoʊdi/ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Toil (V) Pronunciation: toil Word Meaning:To toil means to work extremely hard or laboriously, often for a long period of

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Toils (N) Pronunciation: toils Word Meaning:Toils refer to difficult, exhausting, or laborious tasks or work, often involving physical or mental

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Topple (V) Pronunciation: TAH-puhl Word Meaning:To topple means to cause to fall over, typically due to instability or lack of

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Torment (N) Pronunciation: tor-ment Word Meaning:Torment refers to severe physical or mental suffering, anguish, or distress inflicted upon someone or

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Tornado (N) Pronunciation: tor-NEY-doh Word Meaning:A tornado is a rapidly rotating column of air that is in contact with both

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Torpid (Adj.) Pronunciation: TOR-pid Word Meaning:Torpid describes a state of sluggishness, lethargy, or inactivity, often implying a lack of energy

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Torpor (N) Pronunciation: TOR-por Word Meaning:Torpor refers to a state of physical or mental inactivity, lethargy, or sluggishness, often resulting

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Torrid (Adj.) Pronunciation: TOR-id Word Meaning:Torrid means extremely hot or passionate, often referring to weather or emotions. Uses in Sentence:

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Tortuous (Adj.) Pronunciation: TOR-choo-uhs Word Meaning:Tortuous means full of twists and turns, or excessively lengthy and complex, often describing a

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Totalitarian (Adj.) Pronunciation: toh-tl-i-tair-ee-uhn Word Meaning:Totalitarian refers to a system of government or authority that exercises absolute control over all

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Totter (V) Pronunciation: TAH-tuhr Word Meaning:Totter means to move in an unsteady way, often as if about to fall. Uses

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Traduce (V) Pronunciation: truh-DOOS Word Meaning:To traduce means to speak badly or tell lies about someone to damage their reputation.

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Trail (N, V) Pronunciation: treyl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Trait (N) Pronunciation: treyt Word Meaning:A trait is a distinguishing quality or characteristic, especially of one’s personality or behavior. Uses

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Trajectory (N) Pronunciation: truh-JEK-tuh-ree Word Meaning:Trajectory refers to the path followed by a projectile or an object moving under the

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Trample (V) Pronunciation: TRAM-puhl Word Meaning:To trample means to tread on something heavily and repeatedly, causing damage or destruction. Uses

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Tranquil (Adj.) Pronunciation: TRAN-kwil Word Meaning:Tranquil describes a state of calm, peacefulness, and quietness, free from disturbance or turmoil. Uses

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Transact (V) Pronunciation: tran-ZAKT Word Meaning:To transact means to conduct or carry out a business deal, negotiation, or other interaction.

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Transcend (V) Pronunciation: tran-SEND Word Meaning:To transcend means to surpass or go beyond the limits of something, typically in excellence,

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Transcendent (Adj.) Pronunciation: tran-SEN-dnt Word Meaning:Transcendent describes something that is surpassing or going beyond ordinary limits, surpassing the usual or

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Transcribe (V) Pronunciation: tran-SKRYBE Word Meaning:To transcribe means to write down or type out something from one form to another,

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Transfigure (V) Pronunciation: trans-FIG-yoor Word Meaning:To transfigure means to change or transform the outward appearance or form of something, especially

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Transfix (V) Pronunciation: trans-fiks Word Meaning:To transfix means to render someone motionless with awe, amazement, or horror, typically by something

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Transfuse (V) Pronunciation: trans-FYOOZ Word Meaning:To transfuse means to transfer or inject blood or its components from one person or

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Transfusion (N) Pronunciation: trans-FYOO-zhuhn Word Meaning:Transfusion refers to the process of transferring blood or its components from one person (donor)

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Transient (Adj.) Pronunciation: tran-zee-uhnt Word Meaning:Transient describes something that is temporary, passing, or not lasting for a long time. It

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Transitory (Adj.) Pronunciation: tran-zuh-tawr-ee Word Meaning:Transitory describes something that is temporary, brief, or passing, often implying that it will not

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Transmute (V) Pronunciation: tranz-MYOOT Word Meaning:Transmute means to change or transform something, especially in form, nature, or substance. Uses in

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Transpire (V) Pronunciation: tranz-SPYR Word Meaning:Transpire means to occur, happen, or take place, often used to describe events or information

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Trauma (N) Pronunciation: TRAW-muh Word Meaning:Trauma refers to a deeply distressing or disturbing experience, often resulting in psychological or emotional

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Travail (N) Pronunciation: truh-VEYL Word Meaning:Travail refers to difficult or laborious physical or mental work, often accompanied by pain, hardship,

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Traverse (V) Pronunciation: truh-VERS Word Meaning:To traverse means to travel or move across or through something, typically a geographical area

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Travesty (N) Pronunciation: TRAV-uh-stee Word Meaning:A travesty is a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something, often used to describe

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Treacherous (Adj.) Pronunciation: trech-uh-rus Word Meaning:Treacherous describes something that is characterized by betrayal or dangerous deceitfulness. It can also refer

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Tread (V) Pronunciation: tred Word Meaning:As a verb, “tread” means to walk in a specified way or on a specified

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Treads (V) Pronunciation: tredz Word Meaning:“Treads” is the third person singular form of the verb “tread.” To tread means to

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Treadmill (N) Pronunciation: TRED-mil Word Meaning:A treadmill is a stationary exercise machine with a moving belt or platform on which

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Treatise (N) Pronunciation: TREE-tis Word Meaning:A treatise is a formal and systematic written work, usually dealing with a specific subject

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Tremulous (Adj.) Pronunciation: TREM-yuh-luhs Word Meaning:Tremulous describes something that is trembling or shaking slightly, often due to fear, nervousness, or

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Trepidation (N) Pronunciation: trep-i-dey-shuhn Word Meaning:Trepidation refers to a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen, often

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Trice (in a) (N) Pronunciation: trahys in uh Word Meaning:In a trice is an idiom that means in a very

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Trifle (V. N.) Pronunciation: TRY-fuhl Word Meaning (Verb): Word Meaning (Noun):2. As a noun, “trifle” refers to something of little

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Trinket (N) Pronunciation: TRING-kit Word Meaning:A trinket refers to a small decorative item or ornament, often of little value, that

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Trite (Adj.) Pronunciation: trahyt Word Meaning:Trite refers to something that is overused, lacking originality, and consequently, has lost its effectiveness

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Trivial (Adj.) Pronunciation: TRIV-ee-uhl Word Meaning: Trivial refers to something that is of little importance or significance, often implying that

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Trounce (V) Pronunciation: trouns Word Meaning: Trounce means to defeat decisively in a competition, contest, or argument. It implies a

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Truant (N) Pronunciation: troo-uhnt Word Meaning: As a noun, “truant” refers to a student who stays away from school without

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Truck (N) Pronunciation: truhk Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: ट्रक (Ṭrak) Word uses in

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Truckle (V) Pronunciation: TRUHK-uhl Word Meaning: Truckle, as a verb, means to act in a subservient or submissive manner, especially

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Truculent (Adj.) Pronunciation: TRUHK-yuh-luhnt Word Meaning: Truculent describes someone who is aggressive, belligerent, or prone to fighting or conflict. It

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Trumpery (N) Pronunciation: TRUHM-puh-ree Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: झाँझट (Jhāṅjhaṭ), ढीठ (Ḍhīṭh) Word

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Trumpet (N) Pronunciation: TRUHM-pit Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Horn, bugle, cornet, brass instrument, instrument Antonyms: Quiet, silence, muteness,

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Truncate (V) Pronunciation: TRUHN-kayt Word Meaning: Truncate as a verb means to shorten or cut off a part of something,

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Tryst (N) Pronunciation: trist Word Meaning: Tryst refers to a secret meeting or rendezvous, typically between lovers, often arranged in

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Tumult (N) Pronunciation: TOO-mult Word Meaning: Tumult refers to a loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass

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Tumultuous (Adj.) Pronunciation: too-MUHL-choo-uhs Word Meaning: Tumultuous describes a situation or event characterized by a great uproar, chaos, or disorder.

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Turbid (Adj.) Pronunciation: TER-bid Word Meaning: Turbid describes a liquid that is cloudy, opaque, or murky due to the presence

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Turgid (Adj.) Pronunciation: TUR-jid Word Meaning: Turgid describes language or style that is excessively ornate, inflated, or grandiloquent, often to

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Turpitude (N) Pronunciation: TUR-pi-tood Word Meaning: Turpitude refers to depravity or wickedness, especially when it involves immoral or unethical behavior.

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Twiddle (V) Pronunciation: TWID-l Word Meaning: Twiddle as a verb means to move or play with something, especially with one’s

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