
Panacea (N) Pronunciation: pan-uh-see-uh Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: सर्वनाशी (Sarvanashi) or सर्वरोगहारिणी (Sarvaroghaharini) […]

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Pandemonium (N) Pronunciation: pan-duh-moh-nee-uhm Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अत्यंत हलचल (Atyant Halchal) or

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Panorama (N) Pronunciation: pan-uh-rah-muh Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: पैनोरामा (Pānorāmā) Word uses in

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Paradigm (N) Pronunciation: PAR-uh-dahym Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: मिसाल (Misaal) or उदाहरण (Udaharan)

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Paradox (N) Pronunciation: pair-uh-doks Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: विरोधाभास (Virodhābhās) or विरोधान्तर (Virodhāntar)

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Paragon (N) Pronunciation: pa-ruh-gon Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: प्रतिष्ठा (Pratishtha) or आदर्श (Aadarsh)

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Paramount (Adj.) Pronunciation: par-uh-mount Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: परम (Param) or श्रेष्ठ (Shreshth)

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Paraphernalia (N) Pronunciation: par-uh-fuh-ney-lee-uh Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: सामान (Saman) or औजार (Auzar)

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Pathetic (Adj.) Pronunciation: puh-thet-ik Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: दयनीय (Dayaniya) or करुणास्पद (Karunaspada)

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Paucity (N) Pronunciation: paw-si-tee Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: कमी (Kami) or अभाव (Abhav)

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Pauper (N) Pronunciation: paw-per Word Meaning: A person who is extremely poor and destitute, often relying on charity for basic

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Pejorative (Adj.) Pronunciation: puh-jor-uh-tiv Word Meaning: Expressing contempt, disapproval, or a low opinion; having a negative connotation. Uses in Sentence:

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Pell-mell (Adj.) Pronunciation: pel-mel Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अव्यवस्थित (Avyavasthit) or उन्मादपूर्ण (Unmaadpoorn)

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Penetrate (V) Pronunciation: pen-i-treyt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: प्रवेश करना (Pravesh Karna) or

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Penetrative (Adj.) Pronunciation: pen-i-trey-tiv Word Meaning: Having the ability to penetrate, pierce, or enter deeply; having a keen ability to

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Penitent (Adj.) Pronunciation: pen-i-tuhnt Word Meaning: Feeling or expressing sorrow and remorse for one’s wrongdoing; repentant. Uses in Sentence: Synonyms:

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Pensive (Adj.) Pronunciation: pen-siv Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: चिंतामग्न (Chintamagn) or विचारशील (Vicharshil)

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Penury (N) Pronunciation: pen-yuh-ree Word Meaning: Extreme poverty; a state of lacking the means for basic necessities of life, such

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Pep (N) Pronunciation: pep Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: ऊर्जा (Urja) or उत्साह (Utsah)

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Perceptible (Adj.) Pronunciation: per-sep-tuh-buhl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: सुस्पष्ट (Susparshṭ) or अनुभूति योग्य

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Perceptive (Adj.) Pronunciation: per-sep-tiv Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: सूचना दार (Soochna Daar) or

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Perchance (Adv.) Pronunciation: per-chans Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: क़िस्मत से (Qismat Se) or

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Perennial (Adj.) Pronunciation: puh-ren-ee-uhl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: सदाबहार (Sadaabhaar) or शाश्वत (Shaashwat)

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Perfidy (N) Pronunciation: pur-fi-dee Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: धोखा (Dhoka) or विश्वासघात (Vishwasghaat)

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Perfunctory (Adj.) Pronunciation: per-fuhngk-tuh-ree Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: सावधानीपूर्वक (Savdhani Purvak) or असावधान

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Perish (V) Pronunciation: per-ish Word Meaning: To suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way; to die or

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Pernicious (Adj.) Pronunciation: per-nish-uhs Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: हानिकारक (Hanikarak) or क्षतिकर (Kshatikar)

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Perpetrate (V) Pronunciation: pur-pi-treyt Word Meaning: To commit or carry out a harmful, illegal, or immoral action, especially a crime

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Perpetuate (V) Pronunciation: per-pech-oo-eyt Word Meaning: To make something continue indefinitely; to prolong or sustain, often with the aim of

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Perplex (V) Pronunciation: per-pleks Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: उलझाना (Uljhana) or परेशान करना

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Persecute (V) Pronunciation: pur-si-kyoot Word Meaning: To subject someone to unfair and cruel treatment, often due to their race, religion,

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Perspicacity (N) Pronunciation: pur-spuh-kas-i-tee Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: दृष्टि (Drishti) or बुद्धिमत्ता (Buddhimatta)

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Pertinacious (Adj.) Pronunciation: pur-tuh-ney-shuhs Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अटल (Atal) or दृढ़ (Driddha)

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Pertinent (Adj.) Pronunciation: pur-tuh-nuhnt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: उचित (Uchit) or सार्थक (Sarthak)

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Pervade (V) Pronunciation: per-veyd Word Meaning: To spread or be present throughout something; to permeate or fill every part of

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Pervasive (Adj.) Pronunciation: per-vey-siv Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: व्यापक (Vyaapak) or पर्याप्त (Paryaapt)

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Perversity (N) Pronunciation: pur-vur-si-tee Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: प्रतिकूलता (Pratikoolata) or विकृति (Vikriti)

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Pester (V) Pronunciation: pes-tuhr Word Meaning: To annoy or disturb persistently; to trouble or harass with repeated requests, questions, or

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Pestilence (N) Pronunciation: pes-tl-uhns Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: महामारी (Mahaamari) or विपद् (Vipad)

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Petrify (V) Pronunciation: pe-truh-fahy Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Pettifogging (Adj.) Pronunciation: pet-ee-fog-ing Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: तुच्छ विवाद (Tuchh Vivad) or

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Phantasm (N) Pronunciation: fan-taz-uhm Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: माया (Maya) or भूत (Bhoot)

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Phenomenal (Adj.) Pronunciation: fi-nom-uh-nl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: अद्भुत (Adbhut) or अनूत्पादी (Anootpadi)

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Phenomenon (N) Pronunciation: fi-nom-uh-nuh Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: घटना (Ghatna) or रोमांचक घटना

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Pinnacle (N) Pronunciation: pin-uh-kl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: शिखर (Shikhar) or चरम बिंदु

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Ponder (V) Pronunciation: pon-der Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: विचार करना (Vichar Karna) or

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Ponderous (Adj.) Pronunciation: pon-duh-ruhs Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: भारी (Bhaari) or कष्टप्रद (Kashtaprad)

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Pontificate (V) Pronunciation: pon-tuh-fi-keyt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: उपदेश देना (Upadesh Dena) or

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Populous (Adj.) Pronunciation: pop-yuh-luhs Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: जनसंख्यिक Word uses in Hindi:

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Portable (Adj.) Pronunciation: por-tuh-buhl Word Meaning: Capable of being easily carried or moved, especially because of being of a lighter

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Pragmatic (Adj.) Pronunciation: prag-mat-ik Word Meaning: Dealing with things sensibly and realistically, based on practical rather than theoretical considerations. Uses

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Prattle (V) Pronunciation: prat-l Word Meaning: Talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way. Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms:

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Precedent (N) Pronunciation: PRES-i-dent Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “पूर्वाग्रह” (Poorvagrah), “मिसाल” (Misaal), “उदाहरण”

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Precept (N) Pronunciation: PREE-sept Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “निर्देश” (Nirdesh), “सूचना” (Suchna), “सिख”

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Preceptor (N) Pronunciation: pri-sep-tuhr Word Meaning: A teacher or instructor, especially a mentor or tutor in a religious context. Uses

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Precocious (Adj.) Pronunciation: pri-KOH-shuhs Word Meaning: Characterized by or exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age; advanced or mature

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Predicament (N) Pronunciation: pri-di-kuh-muhnt Word Meaning: A difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation; a dilemma or problem. Uses in Sentence: Synonyms:

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Predominance (N) Pronunciation: pri-dom-uh-nuhns Word Meaning: The state or condition of being predominant; superiority or control in influence, quantity, or

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Pre-eminent (Adj.) Pronunciation: pree-em-uh-nuhnt Word Meaning: Surpassing all others; very distinguished in some way; outstandingly superior. Uses in Sentence: Synonyms:

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Premier (N, Adj.) Pronunciation: pri-meer Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Premise (N, V) Pronunciation: prem-is (Noun), pri-mize (Verb) Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word

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Preponderant (Adj.) Pronunciation: pri-pon-der-uhnt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “प्रबल” (Prabal), “प्रधान” (Pradhan), “अधिक

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Preposterous (Adj.) Pronunciation: pri-pos-ter-uhs Word Meaning: Contrary to reason or common sense; absurd; utterly ridiculous. Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms:

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Presumption (N) Pronunciation: pri-zuhmp-shun Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “अनुमान” (Anumaan), “पूर्वाभास” (Poorvabhaas), “पूर्वधारणा”

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Presumptuous (Adj.) Pronunciation: pri-zuhmp-choo-uhs Word Meaning: Overstepping bounds of propriety or courtesy; taking liberties without permission; being too forward or

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Prevail (V) Pronunciation: pri-veyl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “प्रबल होना” (Prabal Hona), “व्यापक

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Primordial (Adj.) Pronunciation: pri-mor-dee-al Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “आदिस्थ” (Aadisth), “मूल” (Mool), “प्रारंभिक”

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Prior (Adj.) Pronunciation: pry-or Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “पूर्व” (Poorv), “पहले” (Pahle), “पूर्ववर्ती”

Prior Read Post »


Pristine (Adj.) Pronunciation: pris-teen Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “पवित्र” (Pavitra), “निर्मल” (Nirmal), “शुद्ध”

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Probable (N, Adj.) Pronunciation: proh-buh-buhl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Proceeds (N) Pronunciation: proh-seeds Word Meaning: The total amount of money derived from a sale or other transaction, after deducting

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Proclivity (N) Pronunciation: proh-kliv-i-tee Word Meaning: A natural inclination or tendency to behave or think in a particular way. Uses

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Prod (V) Pronunciation: prod Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “अंगुली से चुभाना” (Anguli Se

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Prodigal (Adj.) Pronunciation: prod-i-guhl Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “अपव्ययी” (Apavyayi), “उदार” (Udar), “अखण्ड”

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Prodigious (Adj.) Pronunciation: proh-dij-uhs Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “विलक्षण” (Vilakshan), “असाधारण” (Asadharan), “बहुत”

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Prodigy (N) Pronunciation: prod-i-jee Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “विपश्य” (Vipashy), “अद्वितीय” (Advitiya), “असाधारण”

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Profane (Adj.) Pronunciation: proh-feyn Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Profess (V) Pronunciation: pruh-fes Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “घोषित करना” (Ghoshtit Karna), “आचारण

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Proffer (V) Pronunciation: prah-fer Word Meaning: To offer or present something for acceptance; to propose or suggest. Uses in Sentence:

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Profligate (Adj.) Pronunciation: prof-li-git Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “अपव्ययी” (Apavyayi), “अपराधी” (Apradhi), “असंयमी”

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Profound (Adj.) Pronunciation: proh-found Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “गहिरा” (Gahira), “अत्यंत” (Atyant), “उदार”

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Progeny (N) Pronunciation: prog-uh-nee Word Meaning: Offspring or descendants, collectively; the children or descendants of a person, animal, or plant.

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Prognosis (N) Pronunciation: prog-noh-sis Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Progression (N) Pronunciation: proh-gresh-uhn Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “प्रगति” (Pragati), “बढ़त” (Badhat), “क्रम”

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Prohibit (V) Pronunciation: proh-hib-it Word Meaning: To formally forbid or prevent someone from doing something; to impose a prohibition. Uses

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Proletariat (N) Pronunciation: proh-luh-tair-ee-uht Word Meaning: The working class, especially those who earn their living by manual labor or low-wage

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Proliferate (V) Pronunciation: proh-lif-uh-rate Word Meaning: To grow, increase, or multiply rapidly; to reproduce or spread prolifically. Uses in Sentence:

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Promiscuous (Adj.) Pronunciation: pruh-mis-koo-uhs Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Propensity (N) Pronunciation: pruh-pen-si-tee Word Meaning: An inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way; a tendency to

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Prophesy (V) Pronunciation: prof-uh-sahy Word Meaning: To predict or foretell the future, often under divine inspiration or supernatural guidance; to

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Propitious (Adj.) Pronunciation: pruh-pish-uhs Word Meaning: Favorable or auspicious; indicating a good chance of success or a positive outcome. Uses

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Proponent (N) Pronunciation: proh-puh-nuhnt Word Meaning: A person who advocates or supports a theory, proposal, project, or cause; someone who

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Propound (V) Pronunciation: pruh-pound Word Meaning: To put forward or suggest (a theory, idea, argument, etc.) for consideration or discussion;

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Prorogue (V) Pronunciation: proh-rohg Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “स्थगित करना” (Sthagit Karna), “स्थानंतरित

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Proscribe (V) Pronunciation: proh-skrahyb Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “निषेधित करना” (Nishedhit Karna), “प्रतिबंधित

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Prostrate (V. Adj.) Pronunciation: proh-strayt Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Prowl (N) Pronunciation: proul Word Meaning: The action or movement of moving stealthily or quietly, often with the intention of

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Proximity (N) Pronunciation: prok-sim-i-tee Word Meaning: The state of being near or close in distance or relationship; nearness in space

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Prudence (N) Pronunciation: proo-dns Word Meaning: The quality of being cautious, careful, and wise in practical matters; exercising good judgment

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Prune (V) Pronunciation: proon Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “काटना” (Kaṭnā), “संशोधन करना” (Sanśodhan

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Pry (V) Pronunciation: praɪ Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: Word uses in Hindi:

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Pseudo (Adj.) Pronunciation: soo-doh Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “बनावटी” (Banavati), “नकली” (Nakli), “कृत्रिम”

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Psyche (N) Pronunciation: sigh-kee Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: “मानसिकता” (Maanasikta), “आत्मा” (Aatma), “मन”

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Psychiatric (Adj.) Pronunciation: sigh-kyuh-TRY-tik Word Meaning: Relating to or involved in the study, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illness or

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