
Word: Sycophant (N)

Pronunciation: /ˈsɪkəfənt/

Word Meaning: A sycophant is a person who acts obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage or favor; a servile flatterer.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The CEO was surrounded by sycophants who constantly praised his every decision.
  2. He earned the promotion not through hard work but by being a sycophant to the boss.

Synonyms: Flatterer, yes-man, bootlicker, toady, brown-noser, lackey, lickspittle.

Antonyms: Rebel, dissenter, critic, skeptic, nonconformist, independent thinker.

Word Meaning in Hindi: चापलूस (Chaploos) / खुशामद करनेवाला (Khushamad Karnewala)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. कंपनी के सीईओ के चारों ओर चापलूसों की भरमार थी। (The company’s CEO was surrounded by sycophants.)
  2. उसने प्रमोशन तब पाया जब उसने नहीं मेहनत की बल्कि उनके सामने चापलूसी की। (He earned the promotion not through hard work but by being a sycophant to them.)

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