
Word: Swelter (V)

Pronunciation: /ˈswɛltər/

Word Meaning: To suffer from oppressive heat; to be uncomfortably hot.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The hikers sweltered under the blazing sun as they climbed the mountain.
  2. Without air conditioning, the apartment sweltered during the heatwave.

Synonyms: Sweat, roast, broil, bake, perspire, simmer.

Antonyms: Chill, cool, freeze, refrigerate.

Word Meaning in Hindi: उबाल पड़ना (Ubāl Padnā) / बहुत गरम होना (Bahut Garam Hona)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. पर्वत चढ़ते समय यात्रियों को तेज धूप में उबाल पड़ना पड़ा। (The travelers sweltered in the intense heat while climbing the mountain.)
  2. एयर कंडीशनिंग के बिना, गरमी के मौसम में अपार्टमेंट बहुत गरम हो गया। (Without air conditioning, the apartment sweltered during the heatwave.)

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