
Word: Swagger (N, V)

Pronunciation: /ˈswaɡər/

Word Meaning:

  • (Noun) A confident and typically arrogant or aggressive manner of walking or behaving.
  • (Verb) Walk or behave in a very confident and typically arrogant or aggressive way.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. (Noun) His swagger as he walked into the room made it clear he thought highly of himself.
  2. (Verb) He swaggered down the street as if he owned the place.

Synonyms: (Noun) Confidence, arrogance, braggadocio, cockiness, strut, swank. (Verb) Strut, parade, flaunt, boast, swagger.

Antonyms: (Noun) Humility, modesty, shyness, reserve. (Verb) Stumble, shuffle, skulk, slouch.

Word Meaning in Hindi: (Noun) घमंड (Ghamand) / आत्म-विश्वास (Atma-Vishwas) (Verb) उत्साहित होकर चलना (Utsahit Hokar Chalna) / दिखावटी होकर चलना (Dikhavati Hokar Chalna)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. (Noun) उनका घमंड जब वे कमरे में प्रवेश किया, तो साफ था कि वे अपने आप को बड़ा ही महत्वपूर्ण मानते हैं। (His swagger as he walked into the room made it clear he thought highly of himself.)
  2. (Verb) उसने बाजार में उत्साहित होकर चलना शुरू किया जैसे कि उसे स्थान का मालिकाना अधिकार हो। (He swaggered down the street as if he owned the place.)

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