
Word: Surrogate (Adj.)

Pronunciation: /ˈsʌrəɡət/

Word Meaning:

  1. Acting as a substitute or replacement for someone or something else.
  2. Relating to or involving surrogacy, especially the carrying of a pregnancy to term by a surrogate mother.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The temporary manager served as a surrogate leader while the CEO was on leave.
  2. They opted for a surrogate pregnancy when they couldn’t conceive a child themselves.

Synonyms: Substitute, replacement, alternate, proxy, stand-in, deputy.

Antonyms: Original, genuine, authentic, real, primary, principal.

Word Meaning in Hindi: प्रतिनिधि (Pratinidhi) / परिवारवादी (Parivarvadi)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. सीईओ की अवकाश पर होते समय अस्थायी प्रबंधक एक प्रतिनिधि नेता के रूप में कार्य किया। (The temporary manager served as a surrogate leader while the CEO was on leave.)
  2. जब वे खुद संतान पैदा नहीं कर पा रहे थे, तो उन्होंने एक परिवारवादी गर्भधारण का चयन किया। (They opted for a surrogate pregnancy when they couldn’t conceive a child themselves.)

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