
Word: Surmise (V)

Pronunciation: /sərˈmaɪz/

Word Meaning: To suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it; to guess or infer based on incomplete information.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. She surmised that he was upset from the tone of his voice.
  2. Based on the evidence presented, the detective surmised that the crime was premeditated.

Synonyms: Guess, speculate, conjecture, infer, assume, presume, hypothesize.

Antonyms: Know, verify, confirm, ascertain, prove, establish.

Word Meaning in Hindi: अनुमान लगाना (Anumaan Lagana) / समझना (Samajhna)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसने उसकी आवाज़ के ढंग से यह अनुमान लगाया कि वह उदास है। (She surmised that he was upset from the tone of his voice.)
  2. प्रमाणों के आधार पर, जासूस ने यह समझा कि अपराध पूर्व योजित था। (Based on the evidence presented, the detective surmised that the crime was premeditated.)

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