
Word: Surety (Adj.)

Pronunciation: /ˈʃʊrɪti/

Word Meaning:

  1. A promise or assurance that something will happen or be done.
  2. A person who takes responsibility for another’s performance of an undertaking, for example, their appearing in court or the payment of a debt.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. His confident demeanor gave her surety that he would fulfill his promises.
  2. The company provided a surety bond as a guarantee of payment for the construction project.

Synonyms: Certainty, assurance, guarantee, pledge, security, warranty.

Antonyms: Doubt, uncertainty, insecurity, risk, peril.

Word Meaning in Hindi: आश्वासन (Aashwasan) / आज्ञा (Aajna)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसका आत्मविश्वासपूर्ण रवैया उसे यह आश्वासन देता था कि वह अपने वादे पूरे करेगा। (His confident demeanor gave her surety that he would fulfill his promises.)
  2. कंपनी ने निर्माण परियोजना के भुगतान की गारंटी के रूप में एक सुरक्षा बंध प्रदान की। (The company provided a surety bond as a guarantee of payment for the construction project.)

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