
Word: Supplication (N)

Pronunciation: /ˌsʌplɪˈkeɪʃən/

Word Meaning:

  1. The action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly.
  2. A prayer or petition made humbly and earnestly.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The refugees gathered at the border in supplication, pleading for asylum.
  2. She bowed her head in supplication, asking for forgiveness.


  1. (Asking earnestly) Entreaty, plea, request, appeal, petition.
  2. (Prayer) Invocation, plea, entreaty, petition.


  1. (Asking earnestly) Demand, command, order, insistence.
  2. (Prayer) Refusal, denial, rejection.

Word Meaning in Hindi: प्रार्थना (Prarthana) / विनती (Vinati)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. प्रार्थना के लिए शरणार्थी रेत तक ही आए, जो शरण मांग रहे थे। (The refugees gathered at the border in supplication, pleading for asylum.)
  2. वह क्षमा के लिए विनती करते हुए अपना सिर झुकाया। (She bowed her head in supplication, asking for forgiveness.)

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