
Word: Supersession (N)

Pronunciation: /ˌsuːpərˈsɛʃən/

Word Meaning: The act of replacing or displacing someone or something, especially in a position of authority or power.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The decision of her supersession in the promotion process left her feeling disappointed.
  2. The company’s board announced the supersession of the current CEO by a new leader.

Synonyms: Replacement, displacement, overthrow, ousting, removal, substitution.

Antonyms: Retention, continuation, preservation, succession, promotion.

Word Meaning in Hindi: पराजय (Parajay) / परास्ति (Parasti)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. पदोन्नति प्रक्रिया में उसके पराजय का निर्णय उसे निराश कर दिया। (The decision of her supersession in the promotion process left her feeling disappointed.)
  2. कंपनी की बोर्ड ने एक नए नेता द्वारा मौजूदा सीईओ की परास्ति की घोषणा की। (The company’s board announced the supersession of the current CEO by a new leader.)

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