
Subscribe (v):

Pronunciation: /səbˈskraɪb/

Word Meaning:

  1. To arrange to receive something regularly, typically a publication or service, by paying in advance.
  2. To express agreement with or approval of an idea, principle, or policy.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. I decided to subscribe to a monthly magazine about science and technology.
  2. Many people subscribe to the belief that exercise is essential for good health.
  3. You can subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates and special offers.


  1. Enroll
  2. Register
  3. Sign up for
  4. Agree with
  5. Endorse


  1. Unsubscribe
  2. Cancel
  3. Disagree with
  4. Oppose
  5. Reject

Word Meaning in Hindi: सदस्यता लेना (Sadsyata Lena)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. मैंने विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी के बारे में मासिक पत्रिका की सदस्यता लेने का निर्णय किया। (I decided to subscribe to a monthly magazine about science and technology.)
  2. बहुत से लोग यह मानते हैं कि व्यायाम अच्छे स्वास्थ्य के लिए आवश्यक है, उन्हें इस मत से सहमति जताते हैं। (Many people subscribe to the belief that exercise is essential for good health.)
  3. आप हमारे समाचार पत्रिका की सदस्यता लेने के लिए हमारे न्यूजलेटर को सब्सक्राइब कर सकते हैं, ताकि आपको अपडेट और विशेष प्रस्ताव मिलते रहें। (You can subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates and special offers.)

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