Street (man in the street)

Street (man in the street) (N):

Pronunciation: /striːt/ (man in the street)

Word Meaning:

  1. Street (N): A public road in a city or town, typically with buildings on either side.
  2. Man in the street (N): An ordinary, average person; a member of the general public.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Street (N): She lives on Maple Street, just a few blocks away.
  2. Man in the street (N): The politician’s policies are not well-received by the man in the street.


  1. Street (N): Road, avenue, boulevard, lane, thoroughfare.
  2. Man in the street (N): Average person, common man, ordinary citizen, everyman.


  1. Street (N): Alley, lane, cul-de-sac, dead-end.
  2. Man in the street (N): Not applicable.

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  1. Street (N): सड़क (Sadak)
  2. Man in the street (N): आम आदमी (Aam Aadmi)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. Street (N): वह मेपल सड़क पर रहती है, बस कुछ ब्लॉक दूर। (She lives on Maple Street, just a few blocks away.)
  2. Man in the street (N): राजनीतिज्ञ की नीतियों को सामान्य लोग पसंद नहीं करते। (The politician’s policies are not well-received by the man in the street.)

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