
Stoic (N):

Pronunciation: /ˈstoʊɪk/

Word Meaning:

  1. A person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.
  2. A member of the ancient Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium, holding that wise men should be free from passion, unmoved by joy or grief, and submissive to natural law.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Despite the difficult circumstances, he remained a stoic and didn’t let his emotions show.
  2. The stoic calmly accepted the news of his diagnosis, showing no outward signs of distress.
  3. She admired the stoic’s ability to maintain composure in the face of adversity.


  1. Unemotional
  2. Impassive
  3. Phlegmatic
  4. Resolute
  5. Calm


  1. Emotional
  2. Expressive
  3. Reactive
  4. Sensitive
  5. Dramatic

Word Meaning in Hindi: निरासक्त (Niraasakt)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. कठिन परिस्थितियों के बावजूद, वह निरासक्त रहा और अपनी भावनाओं को नहीं दिखाया। (Despite the difficult circumstances, he remained a stoic and didn’t let his emotions show.)
  2. उस व्यक्ति ने अपने निदान की खबर को शांतिपूर्वक स्वीकार किया, किसी भी बाहरी लक्षणों के बिना उदासीनता के चिह्न न दिखाते हुए। (The stoic calmly accepted the news of his diagnosis, showing no outward signs of distress.)
  3. उसने उस निरासक्त की समर्थन की क्षमता की सराहना की जो परेशानी के सामने धैर्य बनाए रखने की क्षमता रखता था। (She admired the stoic’s ability to maintain composure in the face of adversity.)

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