
Stimulate (V. N.):

Pronunciation: /ˈstɪmjʊleɪt/

Word Meaning: As a Verb: To encourage or incite activity, growth, or development; to excite or arouse interest, curiosity, or enthusiasm.

As a Noun: Something that encourages or incites activity, growth, or development; an agent that excites or arouses interest, curiosity, or enthusiasm.

Uses in Sentence: As a Verb:

  1. Drinking coffee in the morning can stimulate your brain and help you stay focused.
  2. Music has the power to stimulate emotions and memories.

As a Noun:

  1. The new initiative acted as a stimulus for economic growth in the region.
  2. Education should serve as a stimulus for intellectual curiosity and lifelong learning.

Synonyms: As a Verb:

  1. Energize
  2. Activate
  3. Inspire
  4. Prompt
  5. Spark

As a Noun:

  1. Incentive
  2. Impetus
  3. Motivation
  4. Trigger
  5. Catalyst

Antonyms: As a Verb:

  1. Dampen
  2. Stifle
  3. Inhibit
  4. Suppress
  5. Quench

As a Noun:

  1. Deterrent
  2. Hindrance
  3. Obstacle
  4. Repellent
  5. Inhibition

Word Meaning in Hindi: As a Verb: उत्तेजित करना (Uttejit karna) / प्रोत्साहित करना (Prōtsāhit karna)

As a Noun: प्रोत्साहन (Prōtsāhan) / प्रेरणा (Prerna)

Word uses in Hindi: As a Verb:

  1. सुबह कोफ़ी पीना आपके दिमाग को उत्तेजित कर सकता है और आपको ध्यान केंद्रित रहने में मदद कर सकता है। (Drinking coffee in the morning can stimulate your brain and help you stay focused.)
  2. संगीत का यह सामर्थ्य है कि यह भावनाओं और स्मृतियों को उत्तेजित कर सकता है। (Music has the power to stimulate emotions and memories.)

As a Noun:

  1. नई पहल इस क्षेत्र में आर्थिक विकास के लिए एक प्रोत्साहन के रूप में कार्य की। (The new initiative acted as a stimulus for economic growth in the region.)
  2. शिक्षा बुद्धिमत्ता और लंबे जीवन के लिए उत्तेजना के रूप में कार्य करनी चाहिए। (Education should serve as a stimulus for intellectual curiosity and lifelong learning.)

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