
Spontaneous (Adj.):

Pronunciation: /spɒnˈteɪniəs/

Word Meaning (Adjective):

  1. Arising from a natural impulse or inclination, without external stimulus or planning; occurring or done without premeditation or external cause.
  2. Acting or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination; impulsive or unplanned.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Their laughter was spontaneous, erupting from the joy of the moment.
  2. She made a spontaneous decision to go on a road trip with her friends.
  3. The artist’s spontaneous creativity often led to remarkable works of art.

Synonyms (Adjective):

  1. Impromptu
  2. Unplanned
  3. Unpremeditated
  4. Impulsive
  5. Unrehearsed

Antonyms (Adjective):

  1. Deliberate
  2. Planned
  3. Premeditated
  4. Calculated
  5. Prearranged

Word Meaning in Hindi: स्वतंत्र (Svatantr) / स्वच्छंद (Swachhand)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उनकी हंसी स्वतंत्र थी, मौके की खुशी से उफान हो गई। (Their laughter was spontaneous, erupting from the joy of the moment.)
  2. उसने अपने दोस्तों के साथ एक सड़क यात्रा पर जाने का स्वतंत्र निर्णय लिया। (She made a spontaneous decision to go on a road trip with her friends.)
  3. कलाकार की स्वतंत्र सृजनात्मकता अक्सर उपयुक्त चित्रकलाओं के निर्माण में ले जाती थी। (The artist’s spontaneous creativity often led to remarkable works of art.)

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