
Spat (N):

Pronunciation: /spæt/

Word Meaning (Noun):

  1. A small, brief, and often petty argument or dispute.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. There was a spat between the siblings over who would get to use the computer first.
  2. The meeting ended with a spat between two colleagues over differing opinions.
  3. The couple had a spat but quickly made up afterward.

Synonyms (Noun):

  1. Argument
  2. Quarrel
  3. Dispute
  4. Tiff
  5. Contention

Antonyms (Noun):

  1. Agreement
  2. Harmony
  3. Accord
  4. Understanding
  5. Conciliation

Word Meaning in Hindi: झगड़ा (Jhagda) / विवाद (Vivaad)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. भाई-बहन के बीच कंप्यूटर का पहले इस्तेमाल करने के लिए झगड़ हुआ। (There was a spat between the siblings over who would get to use the computer first.)
  2. दो सहयोगियों के बीच भिन्न मतों पर झगड़ हुई। (The meeting ended with a spat between two colleagues over differing opinions.)
  3. जोड़े के बीच एक झगड़ हुआ लेकिन तत्काल बाद में वे फिर से मिल गए। (The couple had a spat but quickly made up afterward.)

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