
Spartan (Adj.):

Pronunciation: /ˈspɑːrtən/

Word Meaning (Adjective):

  1. Showing indifference to comfort or luxury; marked by simplicity, austerity, or self-discipline.
  2. Resembling or characteristic of the ancient Spartans, who were known for their rigorous and disciplined way of life.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Their spartan lifestyle involved minimal possessions and a focus on physical fitness.
  2. The hotel room was spartan, with only a bed and a small table.
  3. He lived a spartan existence in the wilderness, surviving on only what nature provided.

Synonyms (Adjective):

  1. Austere
  2. Ascetic
  3. Simple
  4. Plain
  5. Frugal

Antonyms (Adjective):

  1. Luxurious
  2. Indulgent
  3. Lavish
  4. Extravagant
  5. Opulent

Word Meaning in Hindi: साधारण (Sadhāraṇ) / कठोर (Kathor)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उनका साधारण जीवनशैली न्यूनतम संपत्तियों और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने पर आधारित था। (Their spartan lifestyle involved minimal possessions and a focus on physical fitness.)
  2. होटल का कमरा साधारण था, जिसमें केवल एक बिस्तर और एक छोटी सी मेज़ थी। (The hotel room was spartan, with only a bed and a small table.)
  3. वह जंगल में एक कठोर जीवन बिताता था, केवल वही से जीवित रहता जो प्रकृति प्रदान करती। (He lived a spartan existence in the wilderness, surviving on only what nature provided.)

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