
Seamy (Adj.)

Pronunciation: see-mee

Word Meaning: Seamy refers to something sordid, unpleasant, or morally objectionable, typically associated with the darker or less favorable aspects of a situation or environment. It often implies the presence of corruption, immorality, or unsavory characteristics.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The seamy underbelly of the city was revealed when the corruption scandal broke out.
  2. Behind the glamorous facade of the entertainment industry lies a seamy world of exploitation and manipulation.

Synonyms: Sordid, unpleasant, disreputable, unsavory, shady, grimy

Antonyms: Honorable, respectable, wholesome, clean, decent, reputable

Word Meaning in Hindi: अवश्य (Avashya), अधर्मिक (Adharmik)

Word Uses in Hindi:

  1. उन्होंने अपने अधर्मिक कामों की सच्चाई को छुपाने के लिए ज्यादा धन खर्च किया। (They spent a lot of money to hide the truth of their seamy deeds.)
  2. उस गाँव के अंदर की अवश्य जानकारी समाज के लिए विशेष महत्व रखती है। (The knowledge of the seamy side of that village is of particular importance to society.)

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