
Scenario (N)

Pronunciation: sih-NAIR-ee-oh

Word Meaning: A scenario is a hypothetical or imagined sequence of events, often used for planning, analysis, or discussion. It can also refer to a specific situation or set of circumstances that may unfold in the future.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The team considered various scenarios before making their final decision.
  2. In the worst-case scenario, we may need to evacuate the building.

Synonyms: Situation, circumstance, condition, eventuality, possibility, outcome

Antonyms: Reality, actuality, certainty, fact, truth

Word Meaning in Hindi: स्थिति (Sthiti), परिदृश्य (Paridrishya)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. टीम ने अपना अंतिम निर्णय लेने से पहले विभिन्न स्थितियों को विचार किया। (The team considered various scenarios before making their final decision.)
  2. सबसे खराब स्थिति में, हमें इमारत को खाली करने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है। (In the worst-case scenario, we may need to evacuate the building.)

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