
Sangfroid (N)

Pronunciation: sahn-frwah

Word Meaning: Sangfroid refers to a calm and composed attitude, especially in difficult or stressful situations. It implies the ability to remain cool-headed and unflappable in challenging circumstances.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Despite the chaos around her, she handled the crisis with remarkable sangfroid.
  2. His sangfroid in the face of danger was admired by all.

Synonyms: Composure, equanimity, coolness, poise, self-possession, serenity

Antonyms: Panic, agitation, hysteria, fluster, anxiety, nervousness

Word Meaning in Hindi: शांति (Shanti), शांतिपूर्णता (Shantipurnata)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसने उसके चारों ओर हुए हाहाकार का सामना करते समय अद्भुत शांति के साथ संकट का सामना किया। (Despite the chaos around her, she handled the crisis with remarkable sangfroid.)
  2. खतरे के सामने उसकी शांति सभी द्वारा प्रशंसा की गई। (His sangfroid in the face of danger was admired by all.)

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