
Sagacious (Adj.)

Pronunciation: suh-GEY-shuhs

Word Meaning: Sagacious describes someone who is wise, insightful, and discerning, showing good judgment and foresight. A sagacious person is able to make sound decisions based on deep understanding and experience.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. His sagacious advice helped us navigate through difficult times.
  2. The CEO’s sagacious leadership led the company to unprecedented success.

Synonyms: Wise, judicious, discerning, prudent, astute, insightful

Antonyms: Foolish, naive, imprudent, unwise, ignorant, reckless

Word Meaning in Hindi: बुद्धिमान (Buddhiman), विचारशील (Vicharshil)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसकी बुद्धिमान सलाह ने हमें कठिन समयों में निर्देशित करने में मदद की। (His sagacious advice helped us navigate through difficult times.)
  2. कंपनी के मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी की बुद्धिमान नेतृत्व ने कंपनी को अभूतपूर्व सफलता की ओर ले जाया। (The CEO’s sagacious leadership led the company to unprecedented success.)

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