
Retrench (V):

Pronunciation: /rɪˈtrɛntʃ/

Word Meaning:

  1. To cut down or reduce, especially expenses or costs.
  2. To curtail or diminish.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The company had to retrench its workforce due to financial difficulties.
  2. In an effort to stay afloat, the government decided to retrench spending on non-essential services.


  1. Reduce
  2. Cut
  3. Downsize
  4. Trim
  5. Economize


  1. Expand
  2. Increase
  3. Grow
  4. Enlarge
  5. Extend

Word Meaning in Hindi: “कमी करना” or “घटाना”

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. कंपनी को वित्तीय कठिनाइयों के कारण कर्मचारियों में कमी करनी पड़ी थी। (The company had to retrench its workforce due to financial difficulties.)
  2. हमें अपने खर्चों में कमी करनी होगी ताकि हम इस मुश्किल समय में स्थिर रह सकें। (We need to retrench our expenses to stay stable in these difficult times.)

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