
Word: Retreat (Verb)

Pronunciation: /rɪˈtriːt/

Word Meaning:

  1. (Verb) To withdraw or move back, especially from a dangerous or unpleasant situation.
  2. (Noun) The act of withdrawing or moving back, often used in a military context.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The soldiers were ordered to retreat as the enemy forces advanced.
  2. Faced with criticism, the company decided to retreat from its initial marketing strategy.
  3. The hikers had to retreat quickly when they encountered a wild animal on the trail.


  1. Withdraw
  2. Pull back
  3. Recede
  4. Evacuate
  5. Backpedal


  1. Advance
  2. Proceed
  3. Push forward
  4. Charge

Word Meaning in Hindi: रिट्रीट (Verb) – पीछे हटना या वापस जाना, विशेषकर किसी खतरनाक या अप्रिय स्थिति से।

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. सैनिकों को आदेश दिया गया कि शत्रु सेना के आगे बढ़ने पर वे पीछे हटें। (The soldiers were ordered to retreat as the enemy forces advanced.)
  2. आलोचना का सामना करते हुए, कंपनी ने अपनी प्रारंभिक विपणी रणनीति से पीछे हटने का निर्णय लिया। (Faced with criticism, the company decided to retreat from its initial marketing strategy.)
  3. जब उन्होंने मार्ग पर एक जंगली जानवर से मुलाकात की, तो यात्रीगण को तेज़ी से पीछे हटना पड़ा। (The hikers had to retreat quickly when they encountered a wild animal on the trail.)

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