
Rend (V):

Pronunciation: rend

Word Meaning:
“Rend” as a verb means to tear or rip something apart violently or forcefully. It implies separating something into pieces or parts, often with great force or emotion.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The storm winds were so powerful that they threatened to rend the roof from the house.
  2. She felt her heart rend with grief when she heard the news of her friend’s passing.
  3. The earthquake caused the ground to rend open, revealing the layers beneath.


  1. Tear
  2. Rip
  3. Split
  4. Separate
  5. Disrupt


  1. Mend
  2. Repair
  3. Sew
  4. Stitch
  5. Patch

Word Meaning in Hindi:
In Hindi, “rend” can be translated as “फाड़ना” (faadna) or “चीरना” (cheerna).

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. तूफानी हवाओं ने घर की छत को फाड़ने की धमकी दी। (The storm winds were so powerful that they threatened to rend the roof from the house.)
  2. उसने अपने दोस्त की मृत्यु की खबर सुनकर अपने ह्रदय को चीरते हुए महसूस किया। (She felt her heart rend with grief when she heard the news of her friend’s passing.)
  3. भूकंप ने ज़मीन को फाड़ दिया, जो नीचे के परतों को उजागर कर रहा था। (The earthquake caused the ground to rend open, revealing the layers beneath.)

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