
Rejuvenate (V):

Pronunciation: ri-joo-vuh-neyt

Word Meaning:
“Rejuvenate” as a verb means to restore or make someone or something look or feel younger, fresher, or more lively. It can also refer to renewing or revitalizing something that has become tired or worn out.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. A good night’s sleep can help rejuvenate your body and mind.
  2. She decided to take a vacation to rejuvenate herself after months of hard work.
  3. The spa offers various treatments to rejuvenate your skin and improve circulation.


  1. Revitalize
  2. Refresh
  3. Renew
  4. Invigorate
  5. Energize


  1. Exhaust
  2. Drain
  3. Fatigue
  4. Deplete
  5. Wear out

Word Meaning in Hindi:
In Hindi, “rejuvenate” can be translated as “नया जीवन देना” (naya jeevan dena) or “नवयुवन करना” (navayuvan karna).

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. एक अच्छी रात की नींद आपके शरीर और मस्तिष्क को नवयुवन करने में मदद कर सकती है। (A good night’s sleep can help rejuvenate your body and mind.)
  2. उसने कड़ी मेहनत के महीनों के बाद खुद को नवयुवन करने के लिए छुट्टी पर जाने का निर्णय किया। (She decided to take a vacation to rejuvenate herself after months of hard work.)
  3. स्पा आपकी त्वचा को नवयुवन करने और चक्रवात को सुधारने के लिए विभिन्न उपचार प्रदान करता है। (The spa offers various treatments to rejuvenate your skin and improve circulation.)

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