
Reiterate (V):

Pronunciation: ree-it-uh-reyt

Word Meaning:
“Reiterate” as a verb means to say or do something again, typically for emphasis or clarity. It involves repeating something that has already been said or done.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Let me reiterate that the deadline for submission is next Friday.
  2. He reiterated his commitment to the project during the meeting.
  3. The teacher reiterated the importance of studying for the upcoming exam.


  1. Repeat
  2. Emphasize
  3. Restate
  4. Recapitulate
  5. Echo


  1. Forget
  2. Neglect
  3. Ignore
  4. Disregard
  5. Overlook

Word Meaning in Hindi:
In Hindi, “reiterate” can be translated as “दोहराना” (dohraana) or “दुहराना” (duharaana).

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. मुझे दोहराना चाहिए कि सबमिशन की अंतिम तिथि अगले शुक्रवार है। (Let me reiterate that the deadline for submission is next Friday.)
  2. उन्होंने मीटिंग के दौरान परियोजना के प्रति अपनी प्रतिबद्धता को दोहराया। (He reiterated his commitment to the project during the meeting.)
  3. शिक्षक ने आगामी परीक्षा के लिए पढ़ाई के महत्व को दोहराया। (The teacher reiterated the importance of studying for the upcoming exam.)

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