
Reincarnate (V):

Pronunciation: ree-in-kar-neyt

Word Meaning:
“Reincarnate” as a verb means to be reborn in a new body after death, according to certain beliefs, especially in religious or spiritual contexts. It refers to the concept of a soul or spirit taking on a new physical form in a subsequent life.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Some religions believe that the soul reincarnates after death.
  2. He claimed to be the reincarnated spirit of a famous artist from centuries ago.
  3. The novel explores themes of reincarnation and karma.


  1. Rebirth
  2. Resurrection
  3. Regeneration
  4. Revival
  5. Transmigration


  1. Death
  2. Termination
  3. End
  4. Extinction
  5. Annihilation

Word Meaning in Hindi:
In Hindi, “reincarnate” can be translated as “पुनर्जन्म प्राप्त होना” (punarjanm praapt hona) or “पुनर्जन्म लेना” (punarjanm lena).

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. कुछ धर्म मानते हैं कि आत्मा मृत्यु के बाद पुनर्जन्म प्राप्त होती है। (Some religions believe that the soul reincarnates after death.)
  2. उसने दावा किया कि वह सदियों पहले के एक प्रसिद्ध कलाकार का पुनर्जन्म है। (He claimed to be the reincarnated spirit of a famous artist from centuries ago.)
  3. उपन्यास पुनर्जन्म और कर्म के विषयों को खोजता है। (The novel explores themes of reincarnation and karma.)

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