
Recrimination (N)

Pronunciation: /rɪˌkrɪmɪˈneɪʃən/

Word Meaning:

  1. The act of accusing or counteraccusing; a mutual blaming or accusing of wrongdoing, often following a disagreement or conflict.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. After the argument, there were recriminations from both sides about who was responsible for the failure.
  2. The divorce proceedings were filled with recriminations as each party blamed the other for the marriage’s breakdown.
  3. Instead of resolving the issue, the meeting devolved into recriminations and finger-pointing.


  1. Accusation
  2. Blame
  3. Censure
  4. Reproach
  5. Retaliation


  1. Forgiveness
  2. Reconciliation
  3. Harmony
  4. Agreement

Word Meaning in Hindi: Recrimination (N) – आरोप लगाना / प्रतिआरोप

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. झगड़े के बाद, असफलता का जिम्मेदार कौन था, इस पर दोनों तरफ़ से आरोप लगे। (After the argument, there were recriminations from both sides about who was responsible for the failure.)
  2. तलाक की प्रक्रिया में, प्रत्येक पक्ष दूसरे को विवाह के बिगड़ने के लिए दोषी ठहराते हुए आरोप लगाता रहा। (The divorce proceedings were filled with recriminations as each party blamed the other for the marriage’s breakdown.)
  3. मुद्दे को हल करने की बजाय, बैठक आरोप लगाने और उंगलियाँ उठाने में बदल गई। (Instead of resolving the issue, the meeting devolved into recriminations and finger-pointing.)

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