
Random (Adj.; Adv.)

Pronunciation: RAN-duhm

Word Meaning: Adjective:

  1. Made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision; unpredictable in nature.
  2. Occurring or existing without a specific pattern, purpose, or order.


  1. In a random manner; without method or conscious decision.

Uses in Sentence: Adjective:

  1. We took a random stroll through the city, exploring whatever caught our interest.
  2. The teacher selected a random student to answer the question.
  3. The book is filled with random anecdotes and observations.


  1. The items were scattered randomly across the room.

Synonyms: Adjective:

  1. Arbitrary
  2. Chance
  3. Haphazard
  4. Unsystematic
  5. Casual


  1. Arbitrarily
  2. Indiscriminately
  3. Erratically
  4. Chaotically
  5. Unpredictably

Antonyms: Adjective:

  1. Planned
  2. Intentional
  3. Systematic
  4. Orderly
  5. Purposeful


  1. Intentionally
  2. Deliberately
  3. Systematically
  4. Methodically
  5. Purposefully

Word Meaning in Hindi: अनियमित (Aniyamit)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. हमने शहर में एक अनियमित सैर की, जिसमें हमारे दिलचस्पी को पकड़ने वाला कुछ भी था। (We took a random stroll through the city, exploring whatever caught our interest.)
  2. शिक्षक ने सवाल का उत्तर देने के लिए एक अनियमित छात्र का चयन किया। (The teacher selected a random student to answer the question.)
  3. किताब में अनियमित घटनाओं और अवलोकनों से भरा हुआ है। (The book is filled with random anecdotes and observations.)

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