
Profligate (Adj.)

Pronunciation: prof-li-git

Word Meaning:

  1. Recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources.
  2. Immoral or dissolute in behavior; recklessly wasteful or extravagant.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The profligate spending habits of the wealthy elite contributed to economic inequality.
  2. His profligate lifestyle eventually led to financial ruin.


  1. Extravagant
  2. Wasteful
  3. Spendthrift
  4. Dissipated
  5. Lavish


  1. Frugal
  2. Thrifty
  3. Economical
  4. Moderate
  5. Prudent

Word Meaning in Hindi: “अपव्ययी” (Apavyayi), “अपराधी” (Apradhi), “असंयमी” (Asanyami)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. धनी श्रेष्ठों की अपव्ययी खर्च की आदतें आर्थिक असमानता में योगदान करती थीं। (The profligate spending habits of the wealthy elite contributed to economic inequality.)
  2. उसका अपव्ययी जीवनशैली आखिरकार वित्तीय पतन की ओर बढ़ गई। (His profligate lifestyle eventually led to financial ruin.)

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