
Probable (N, Adj.)

Pronunciation: proh-buh-buhl

Word Meaning:

  1. (Adjective) Likely to happen or be true; likely to be or become a fact.
  2. (Noun) Something that is likely to happen or be true.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. (Adjective) The probable outcome of the experiment is positive.
  2. (Noun) The team considered various probables for the new project.


  1. (Adjective) Likely
  2. (Adjective) Possible
  3. (Adjective) Expected
  4. (Noun) Candidate
  5. (Noun) Contender


  1. (Adjective) Improbable
  2. (Adjective) Unlikely
  3. (Adjective) Doubtful
  4. (Noun) Reject
  5. (Noun) Non-candidate

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  1. (Adjective) “संभावित” (Sambhavit), “संभाव्य” (Sambhavya)
  2. (Noun) “संभावी” (Sambhavi), “संभाव्यता” (Sambhavyata)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. (Adjective) प्रयोग के संभावित परिणाम सकारात्मक हैं। (The probable outcome of the experiment is positive.)
  2. (Noun) ताजगी से नए परियोजना के लिए विभिन्न संभावितों को देखा गया। (The team considered various probables for the new project.)

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