
Preponderant (Adj.)

Pronunciation: pri-pon-der-uhnt

Word Meaning:

  1. Having greater importance, influence, or power; predominant.
  2. Superior in weight, force, or influence.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The preponderant factor in their decision was the financial stability of the company.
  2. Despite the challenges, the preponderant support from the community helped the project succeed.


  1. Dominant
  2. Prevailing
  3. Overwhelming
  4. Principal
  5. Predominant


  1. Insignificant
  2. Minor
  3. Secondary
  4. Subordinate
  5. Inferior

Word Meaning in Hindi: “प्रबल” (Prabal), “प्रधान” (Pradhan), “अधिक प्रभावशाली” (Adhik Prabhavashali)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उनके निर्णय में प्रधान कारक कंपनी की आर्थिक स्थिरता थी। (The preponderant factor in their decision was the financial stability of the company.)
  2. चुनौतियों के बावजूद, समुदाय से आने वाला प्रबल समर्थन ने परियोजना को सफलता प्राप्त करने में मदद की। (Despite the challenges, the preponderant support from the community helped the project succeed.)

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