
Pestilence (N)

Pronunciation: pes-tl-uhns

Word Meaning:

  1. A deadly or virulent epidemic disease.
  2. Something that is considered harmful, destructive, or evil.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The medieval town was devastated by the pestilence, leading to widespread suffering.
  2. Corruption can be seen as a pestilence that erodes the fabric of society.


  1. Plague
  2. Epidemic
  3. Pandemic
  4. Affliction
  5. Calamity


  1. Health
  2. Wellness
  3. Recovery
  4. Healing
  5. Beneficial influence

Word Meaning in Hindi: महामारी (Mahaamari) or विपद् (Vipad)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. मध्यकालीन शहर को महामारी ने नष्ट कर दिया, जिससे व्यापक पीड़ा हुई। (The medieval town was devastated by the pestilence, leading to widespread suffering.)
  2. भ्रष्टाचार को समाज के संरचना को क्षीण करने वाली एक महामारी के रूप में देखा जा सकता है। (Corruption can be seen as a pestilence that erodes the fabric of society.)

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