
Mystique (N):


  • mis-TEEK

Word Meaning:

  • Mystique refers to an air of mystery, secrecy, or an aura of enigmatic charm surrounding a person, thing, or situation. It is often associated with an intriguing and captivating quality that elicits fascination and curiosity.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The old mansion had a mystique that attracted ghost hunters and thrill-seekers.
  2. The artist’s paintings carried a mystique that left viewers pondering their hidden meanings.
  3. The celebrity’s mystique added to the allure and speculation surrounding their private life.


  1. Aura
  2. Enigma
  3. Allure
  4. Charm
  5. Fascination


  1. Clarity
  2. Transparency
  3. Plainness
  4. Simplicity
  5. Openness

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • रहस्यमय (Rahasyamay) or रहस्य (Rahasya)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. पुराने हवेली की एक रहस्यमय भावना थी जो भूत पर्वेशकर्ताओं और रोमांच की तलाशकर्ताओं को आकर्षित करती थी। (The old mansion had a mystique that attracted ghost hunters and thrill-seekers.)
  2. कलाकार के चित्रों में एक रहस्यमयता थी जिससे दर्शक उनके छुपे अर्थों का विचार करते रहते थे। (The artist’s paintings carried a mystique that left viewers pondering their hidden meanings.)
  3. प्रसिद्धता की रहस्यमयता ने उनके निजी जीवन के चारों ओर आकर्षण और अनुमान को बढ़ा दिया। (The celebrity’s mystique added to the allure and speculation surrounding their private life.)

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