
Lyrical (Adj.):


  • leer-i-kuhl

Word Meaning:

  • Lyrical, when used as an adjective, refers to something that is poetic, expressive, or characterized by a graceful and imaginative use of language. It is often associated with the qualities found in poetry and song lyrics.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The poet’s lyrical verses captured the essence of love and nature.
  2. The musician composed a lyrical melody that touched the hearts of the audience.
  3. Her prose had a lyrical quality, evoking emotions and vivid imagery.


  1. Poetic
  2. Melodic
  3. Expressive
  4. Musical
  5. Rhapsodic


  1. Unpoetic
  2. Prosaic
  3. Mundane
  4. Inexpressive
  5. Plain

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • सांगीतिक (Sangeetik) or सुरीला (Surila)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. कवि की सांगीतिक पंक्तियाँ प्रेम और प्रकृति के सार को पकड़ती थीं। (The poet’s lyrical verses captured the essence of love and nature.)
  2. संगीतकार ने एक सुरीला मेलोडी बनाई जो दर्शकों के दिलों को छू गई। (The musician composed a lyrical melody that touched the hearts of the audience.)
  3. उसकी प्रोज़ एक सांगीतिक गुणवत्ता थी, जो भावनाएँ और जीवंत चित्रों को जागृत करती थी। (Her prose had a lyrical quality, evoking emotions and vivid imagery.)

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