
Luxuriant (Adj.):


  • luhg-zhoo-ree-uhnt

Word Meaning:

  • Luxuriant describes something that is abundant, lush, and characterized by vigorous growth. It is often used to refer to plants, vegetation, or anything that is exceptionally rich and flourishing.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The garden was filled with luxuriant flowers and vibrant greenery.
  2. Her hair was luxuriant and flowed down her back in thick waves.
  3. The tropical rainforest is known for its luxuriant biodiversity.


  1. Abundant
  2. Lush
  3. Prolific
  4. Flourishing
  5. Opulent


  1. Sparse
  2. Scanty
  3. Meager
  4. Barren
  5. Sparse

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • समृद्ध (Samriddh) or अधिक (Adhik)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उद्यान वृक्षों और जीवंत हरियाली से भरा हुआ था। (The garden was filled with luxuriant flowers and vibrant greenery.)
  2. उसके बाल समृद्ध थे और गहरी लहरों में उसकी पीठ पर बह रहे थे। (Her hair was luxuriant and flowed down her back in thick waves.)
  3. उष्णकटिबंधीय वन अपने समृद्ध जैव विविधता के लिए जाना जाता है। (The tropical rainforest is known for its luxuriant biodiversity.)

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