
Litter (V):


  • lit-er

Word Meaning:

  • When used as a verb, “litter” means to scatter objects in an untidy or disorganized way, especially over a surface.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The wind littered the garden with fallen leaves.
  2. Please don’t litter the streets with trash; use the designated bins.
  3. After the storm, debris was littered across the beach.


  1. Scatter
  2. Strew
  3. Disperse
  4. Spread
  5. Mess


  1. Organize
  2. Tidy
  3. Arrange
  4. Order
  5. Clean

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • बिखेरना (Bikherna) or कचरा फैलाना (Kachra Phailana)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. हवा ने बाग को गिरे हुए पत्तियों से बिखेर दिया। (The wind littered the garden with fallen leaves.)
  2. कृपया सड़कों पर कचरा ना फैलाएं; निर्धारित डिब्बों का उपयोग करें। (Please don’t litter the streets with trash; use the designated bins.)
  3. तूफान के बाद, समुद्र तट पर कचरा फैला हुआ था। (After the storm, debris was littered across the beach.)

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