
Lineage (N):


  • lin-ee-ij

Word Meaning:

  • Lineage refers to the direct descent from an ancestor or ancestry. It represents a line of individuals who are directly descended from a common ancestor.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The royal family’s lineage can be traced back for centuries.
  2. Knowing one’s lineage can provide insight into one’s cultural heritage.
  3. The historian researched the lineage of the ancient civilization.


  1. Ancestry
  2. Descent
  3. Family tree
  4. Genealogy
  5. Heritage


  1. Disconnection
  2. Irrelation
  3. Dissociation
  4. Alienation
  5. Unrelatedness

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • वंश (Vansh) or वंशावली (Vanshavali)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. राजवंश की वंशावली को शताब्दियों तक पीछे जाकर जाया जा सकता है। (The royal family’s lineage can be traced back for centuries.)
  2. अपने वंश को जानना एक की सांस्कृतिक विरासत में दर्शन प्रदान कर सकता है। (Knowing one’s lineage can provide insight into one’s cultural heritage.)
  3. इतिहासकार ने प्राचीन सभ्यता की वंशावली का अनुसंधान किया। (The historian researched the lineage of the ancient civilization.)

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