
Legend (N):


  • lej-end

Word Meaning:

  • Legend, as a noun, has multiple meanings. It can refer to a traditional story or narrative, often handed down through generations, that explains the origins of a culture, customs, or natural phenomena. It can also denote a person who is extremely famous or renowned for a particular skill or achievement.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The ancient civilization had legends about the creation of the world.
  2. He became a legend in the music industry, known for his groundbreaking contributions.
  3. The local legend told tales of a mysterious creature living in the forest.


  1. Myth
  2. Tale
  3. Narrative
  4. Celebrity
  5. Icon


  1. Fact
  2. Reality
  3. Unknown
  4. Ordinary person
  5. Unremarkable

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • किस्सा (Kissa) or प्रमुख व्यक्ति (Pramukh Vyakti)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. प्राचीन सभ्यता में विश्व की सृष्टि के बारे में किस्से थे। (The ancient civilization had legends about the creation of the world.)
  2. उन्होंने संगीत उद्योग में अपने अद्वितीय योगदानों के लिए एक दुनियाभर में प्रमुख व्यक्ति बन गए। (He became a legend in the music industry, known for his groundbreaking contributions.)
  3. स्थानीय किस्से एक रहस्यमय प्राणी के बारे में कहते थे जो जंगल में रहता था। (The local legend told tales of a mysterious creature living in the forest.)

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