
Lacuna (N):


  • luh-KYOO-nuh

Word Meaning:

  • Lacuna refers to a gap, missing part, or an unfilled space in something, such as a text, a document, or a sequence of events. It can also denote a deficiency, lack, or absence.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The historian discovered a lacuna in the ancient manuscript, making it challenging to understand the complete narrative.
  2. There was a lacuna in the data, making it difficult to draw accurate conclusions.
  3. The contract had a lacuna regarding the resolution of disputes, leading to confusion.


  1. Gap
  2. Void
  3. Blank
  4. Omission
  5. Hole


  1. Completion
  2. Fullness
  3. Presence
  4. Solidity
  5. Continuity

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • रिक्ति (Rikti) or अभाग (Abhag)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. इतिहासकार ने प्राचीन हस्तलेख में एक रिक्ति खोजी, जिससे पूरी कहानी को समझना कठिन बन गया। (The historian discovered a lacuna in the ancient manuscript, making it challenging to understand the complete narrative.)
  2. डेटा में एक रिक्ति थी, जिससे सटीक निष्कर्षण निकालना कठिन था। (There was a lacuna in the data, making it difficult to draw accurate conclusions.)
  3. समझौते में विवादों के समाधान के संबंध में एक रिक्ति थी, जिससे भ्रांति हो गई। (The contract had a lacuna regarding the resolution of disputes, leading to confusion.)

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