
Keen (Adj.):


  • keen

Word Meaning:

  • Keen, as an adjective, has several meanings. It can describe someone who is intellectually sharp, perceptive, or quick-witted. It can also refer to having a strong or enthusiastic interest in something. Additionally, it can mean sharp, as in a keen edge or keen vision.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. She has a keen understanding of complex scientific theories.
  2. His keen interest in astronomy led him to become an astrophysicist.
  3. Be careful; that knife has a keen edge.


  1. Sharp
  2. Acute
  3. Intense
  4. Eager
  5. Enthusiastic


  1. Dull
  2. Apathetic
  3. Indifferent
  4. Blunt
  5. Lethargic

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • उत्सुक (Utsuk) or तेज (Tej)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसकी विज्ञान के जटिल सिद्धांतों की उत्सुक समझ है। (She has a keen understanding of complex scientific theories.)
  2. उसका खगोल विज्ञान में उत्सुक रुचि ने उसे खगोलज्ञ बनने की दिशा में ले जाया। (His keen interest in astronomy led him to become an astrophysicist.)
  3. सावधान रहें; उस चाकू का एक तेज धार है। (Be careful; that knife has a keen edge.)

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