
Junta (N):


  • hoon-tuh or juhn-tah

Word Meaning:

  • Junta refers to a military or political group that has taken control of a government, typically after a coup or revolution. It often implies an authoritarian or dictatorial regime led by a group of military officials or political leaders.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The junta seized power in a swift and forceful coup.
  2. The international community condemned the actions of the junta for suppressing democratic movements.
  3. After the coup, the junta established strict control over the media and opposition.


  1. Regime
  2. Oligarchy
  3. Dictatorship
  4. Military government
  5. Authoritarian rule


  1. Democracy
  2. Republic
  3. Elected government
  4. Popular government
  5. Civilian rule

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • जुंटा (Junta)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. जुंटा ने एक तेज़ और प्रबल कूदेत के बाद सत्ता हासिल की। (The junta seized power in a swift and forceful coup.)
  2. अंतरराष्ट्रीय समुदाय ने जुंटा की क्रियाओं की निंदा की जो लोकतांत्रिक आंदोलनों को दबा रहा था। (The international community condemned the actions of the junta for suppressing democratic movements.)
  3. कूदेत के बाद, जुंटा ने मीडिया और विपक्ष पर कड़ा नियंत्रण स्थापित किया। (After the coup, the junta established strict control over the media and opposition.)

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