
Jaundiced (Adj.):


  • jawn-dist

Word Meaning:

  • Jaundiced, when used metaphorically, describes a prejudiced or cynical attitude. It refers to a negative or biased viewpoint, often characterized by skepticism or distrust.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The journalist’s jaundiced view of the political situation was evident in her articles.
  2. His jaundiced opinions about the new policy hindered productive discussions.
  3. The employee’s jaundiced perception of her colleagues affected teamwork in the office.


  1. Cynical
  2. Skeptical
  3. Distrustful
  4. Pessimistic
  5. Biased


  1. Optimistic
  2. Trusting
  3. Open-minded
  4. Unbiased
  5. Positive

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • पीलिया (Piliya) or अजरूद (Ajarood)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. पत्रकार के राजनीतिक स्थिति की ज़रा सी भी खोज में उसकी पीलिया दृष्टि स्पष्ट थी। (The journalist’s jaundiced view of the political situation was evident in her articles.)
  2. नई नीति के बारे में उसकी पीलिया रायें उत्पादक चर्चाओं को बाधित कर रही थीं। (His jaundiced opinions about the new policy hindered productive discussions.)
  3. कर्मचारी की सहयोगियों के प्रति उसकी पीलिया धारणा ने कार्यसमूह में प्रभावित किया। (The employee’s jaundiced perception of her colleagues affected teamwork in the office.)

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