
Word: Inscrutable (Adj.)

Adjective (Adj.):

  • Pronunciation: in-SKROO-tuh-buhl
  • Word Meaning:
    1. Difficult to understand or interpret; mysterious, enigmatic, or not easily fathomed.
    2. Impossible to see through or penetrate.

Uses in Sentence:

  • His expression remained inscrutable, revealing nothing about his thoughts or emotions.
  • The motives behind her actions were inscrutable, leaving everyone puzzled.
  • The ancient artifact’s inscrutable symbols baffled historians and archaeologists.


  • Mysterious, enigmatic, cryptic, unfathomable, opaque


  • Clear, transparent, understandable, comprehensible, obvious

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • Adjective (Inscrutable): अठहीन (Aṭhahīn), अप्रकट (Aprakaṭ), रहस्यमय (Rahasyamaya)

Word uses in Hindi:

  • Adjective (Expression): उसका अभिव्यक्ति अठहीन रहा, उसके विचारों या भावनाओं के बारे में कुछ भी प्रकट नहीं हो रहा था। (His expression remained inscrutable, revealing nothing about his thoughts or emotions.)
  • Adjective (Motives): उसके क्रियाओं के पीछे के उद्देश्य अठहीन थे, जिससे सभी हैरान रह गए थे। (The motives behind her actions were inscrutable, leaving everyone puzzled.)
  • Adjective (Ancient Artifact): प्राचीन उपकरण के अठहीन प्रतीक इतिहासज्ञों और पुरातात्वज्ञों को हैरान कर दिए। (The ancient artifact’s inscrutable symbols baffled historians and archaeologists.)

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