
Word: Insatiable (Adj.)

Adjective (Adj.):

  • Pronunciation: in-sey-shuh-buhl
  • Word Meaning:
    1. Incapable of being satisfied or appeased; always wanting more.
    2. Having an insatiable appetite, desire, or thirst for something.

Uses in Sentence:

  • His insatiable curiosity led him to explore various fields of knowledge.
  • The company’s insatiable quest for profits sometimes compromised ethical practices.
  • Despite having a full meal, he seemed to have an insatiable hunger for desserts.


  • Unquenchable, unappeasable, voracious, greedy, ravenous


  • Satisfied, content, fulfilled, satiated

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  • Adjective (Insatiable): अतृप्त (Atripta), असन्तुष्ट (Asantuṣṭa), अपुरण (Apuraṇ)

Word uses in Hindi:

  • Adjective (Curiosity): उसकी अतृप्त जिज्ञासा ने उसे विभिन्न ज्ञान के क्षेत्रों का अन्वेषण करने पर आमंत्रित किया। (His insatiable curiosity led him to explore various fields of knowledge.)
  • Adjective (Company’s Quest): कम्पनी की अतृप्त लाभ की खोज कभी-कभी नैतिक अभ्यासों को कमजोर कर देती थी। (The company’s insatiable quest for profits sometimes compromised ethical practices.)
  • Adjective (Hunger for Desserts): पूरे भोजन के बावजूद, उसमें मिठाईयों के प्रति एक अतृप्त भूख दिखाई दी। (Despite having a full meal, he seemed to have an insatiable hunger for desserts.)

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