
Ingratitude (N)

Pronunciation: in-GRAT-i-tood

Word Meaning:

  1. Lack of gratitude or appreciation for favors, kindness, or benefits received.
  2. Unthankfulness or the failure to acknowledge and return kindness.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. His acts of kindness were met with sheer ingratitude from those he helped.
  2. After all the support she provided, it was disheartening to experience such ingratitude from her friends.


  1. Ungratefulness
  2. Thanklessness
  3. Unappreciativeness
  4. Inacknowledgment
  5. Disloyalty


  1. Gratitude
  2. Appreciation
  3. Thankfulness
  4. Acknowledgment
  5. Recognition

Word Meaning in Hindi: The word “Ingratitude” can be translated to Hindi as “अकृतज्ञता” or “कृतघ्नता”.

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसके किए अच्छे कर्मों का उन लोगों द्वारा पूर्ण अकृतज्ञता से सामना किया गया। (His acts of kindness were met with sheer ingratitude from those he helped.)
  2. जिन लोगों ने उसकी सहायता की, उनके दोस्तों द्वारा इतनी कृतघ्नता महसूस करना निराशाजनक था। (After all the support she provided, it was disheartening to experience such ingratitude from her friends.)

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