
Inexorable (Adj.)

Pronunciation: in-EK-suh-ruh-buhl

Word Meaning:

  1. Impossible to stop or prevent; relentless.
  2. Unyielding, unalterable, and not influenced by persuasion or entreaty.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The inexorable march of time waits for no one.
  2. Despite their pleas, the judge remained inexorable in delivering the sentence.


  1. Relentless
  2. Unyielding
  3. Inflexible
  4. Implacable
  5. Unstoppable


  1. Yielding
  2. Flexible
  3. Merciful
  4. Forgiving
  5. Placable

Word Meaning in Hindi: The word “Inexorable” can be translated to Hindi as “अविवाद्य” or “निर्दयी”.

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. समय की अविवाद्य प्रगति किसी के लिए ठहरने की अनुमति नहीं देती है। (The inexorable march of time waits for no one.)
  2. उनकी विनयपूर्ण गुहारों के बावजूद, जज दण्ड घोषित करने में निर्दयी रहे। (Despite their pleas, the judge remained inexorable in delivering the sentence.)

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