
Inept (Adj.)

Pronunciation: in-ept

Word Meaning:

  1. Lacking skill, capability, or competence; clumsy.
  2. Showing a lack of judgment, wisdom, or suitability.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. His inept handling of the situation only made things worse.
  2. The inept performance of the team disappointed their fans.


  1. Incompetent
  2. Clumsy
  3. Unskillful
  4. Awkward
  5. Unqualified


  1. Competent
  2. Skillful
  3. Capable
  4. Proficient
  5. Adept

Word Meaning in Hindi: The word “Inept” can be translated to Hindi as “अकुशल” or “अनुपयुक्त”.

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसने परिस्थिति का अकुशल प्रबंधन किया, जिससे चीजें और बदतर हो गईं। (His inept handling of the situation only made things worse.)
  2. टीम का अकुशल प्रदर्शन उनके प्रशंसकों को निराश कर दिया। (The inept performance of the team disappointed their fans.)

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