
Incontestable (Adj.)

Pronunciation: In-kun-tes-tuh-buhl

Word Meaning:

  1. Not open to dispute; unquestionable; indisputable.
  2. That which cannot be challenged or contested.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The evidence presented in court was incontestable, leading to a swift verdict.
  2. Her skills and qualifications make her incontestable for the position.
  3. The historical facts were incontestable, supported by multiple reliable sources.


  1. Indisputable
  2. Unquestionable
  3. Irrefutable
  4. Undeniable
  5. Absolute


  1. Contestable
  2. Questionable
  3. Doubtful
  4. Debatable
  5. Ambiguous

Word Meaning in Hindi: अविवाद्य (Avivadya), निर्वाद (Nirvad)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. अदालत में प्रस्तुत किए गए साक्षायिका अविवाद्य थे, जिससे शीघ्र निर्णय हुआ। (The evidence presented in court was incontestable, leading to a swift verdict.)
  2. उसके कौशल और योग्यताएँ उसे उस पद के लिए अविवाद्य बनाती हैं। (Her skills and qualifications make her incontestable for the position.)
  3. ऐतिहासिक तथ्य अविवाद्य थे, जो कई विश्वसनीय स्रोतों द्वारा समर्थित थे। (The historical facts were incontestable, supported by multiple reliable sources.)

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