
Incongruous (Adj.)

Pronunciation: In-kong-groo-uhs

Word Meaning:

  1. Not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects; inconsistent.
  2. Lacking in harmony or compatibility; inappropriate.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The bright orange sofa seemed incongruous in the elegant, monochromatic living room.
  2. His jokes during the serious meeting were incongruous and inappropriate.
  3. The historical building had incongruous modern additions that didn’t blend well with the original architecture.


  1. Inconsistent
  2. Inharmonious
  3. Discrepant
  4. Discordant
  5. Mismatched


  1. Harmonious
  2. Consistent
  3. Compatible
  4. Appropriate
  5. Fitting

Word Meaning in Hindi: अनुपयुक्त (Anupayukt), असंगत (Asangat)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. सुंदर, एकरंगी रूम में उज्ज्वल नारंगी सोफा असंगत लग रहा था। (The bright orange sofa seemed incongruous in the elegant, monochromatic living room.)
  2. गंभीर मीटिंग के दौरान उसके मजाक अनुपयुक्त और असमय साबित हो रहे थे। (His jokes during the serious meeting were incongruous and inappropriate.)
  3. ऐतिहासिक इमारत में असंगत आधुनिक जोड़े थे जो मूल स्थापत्य के साथ अच्छी तरह मेल नहीं खा रहे थे। (The historical building had incongruous modern additions that didn’t blend well with the original architecture.)

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